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All the Dresses

Hey Y'all! Alison here! I'm one of the coordinators with the Direct My Day Charleston team and I'd like to discuss something that we've all seen or heard in the wedding world; the multiple dress wedding.

You know it and if you're a fan of "Say Yes to the Dress" like I am, then you've definitely witnessed it. A bride needs her ceremony and sometimes also a reception dress and cannot imagine the day without both of them; can't make up her mind about just one dress and so she gets two.

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of coordinating an exquisitely beautiful wedding that not only had wonderful decor (shout out to Larger than Life Events on this one!) and a stunning couple, but our bride had three dresses! Yes, Three!

Now, y'all know that a wedding timeline is there to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that everyone is doing what they need to do at the right time. Well, as a coordinator, not only do we ensure that your vendors are doing what they need to be doing, but when you have several dress changes, we need to make sure you're getting changed into them at the right time too and able to not only enjoy your wedding reception but also show off your dress changes to all your guests.

Our beautiful bride Jessica did just that- we started the day in her ceremony dress which flowed effortlessly down the aisle and into their photo session. While everyone was settling into the reception, Jessica slipped into her reception dress. This was the perfect time to do so seeing as she was going to be introduced to her guests and everyone would see the stunning second number she had chosen for the reception.

What no one knew, was that Jessica had a special dress that even her husband had no idea about and it was kept a surprise until we had her sneak out unnoticed while her guests were dancing and enjoying the evening. Jessica came back out with a bang in a stunning number just in time for their cake cut and to enjoy the remainder of the festivities.

Each dress had an important moment during the day and each dress made her look (& feel) great.

Congratulations to Jessica & Larry who were married at Founders Hall August 31st 2019.

The Ceremony Dress


Day Of Coordination: Direct My Day Charleston

A few tips:

  • As a bride with several dress changes, it is important that you choose dresses that represent you and that feel right.

  • Not everyone gets an emotional reaction to a dress so don't worry about it if you don't. All that matters is that it feels right and you love it.

  • If you plan on having more than one dress, make sure you know what dress is for what part (ceremony/photos/reception/dancing/afterparty/etc...)

  • It is important that you let your coordinator/planner know about your dress changes as it will affect your day-of timeline.

  • Also let your photographer know so that they can snap photos in each of the dresses you wear.

  • You do not have to keep it a secret from your guests and bridal party (or your fiancé), but if you do, their reaction to a change is always a wonderful sight to capture.


"On her wedding day, a woman should be certain she has found a dress that makes her feel confident, and above all else, beautiful." — Carolina Herrera

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